Really cute spring-is-on-the-way outfit! Not that I would ever use a bag without an over the shoulder strap, but add a strap to the bag (or ditch it for a backpack) and you are set.
Both of these outfits would be totally suitable for teaching in Korea and both of them are rad. I get paid for the first time today and I think I want to go shopping this weekend. I am desperate for a plain skirt that goes at least half way down my thighs, maybe in a neutral colour so it will go with all my button-ups. Today in one of the kids journals that I marked one of them said "Marie Teacher is so pretty and well dressed." Talk about ego boosting!!!
Barb posted a link to these on Facebook and I fell head over heels. I have been feeling very uninspired by all the fashion I have seen on the internet lately and Korean fashion has its moments, but I mostly "main stream" where I live. It isn't the same mainstream as in Canada, but everytime I see something inspiring I then see it on 20 more people in the next 20 minutes and it loses its beauty. This is why I haven't been posting. These pictures of the depression, however, really made me smile. The patterns, the stories in the dirt and tears, the colours, the old photography and grain. It all made me feel really good.
This lady with the eyebrows that blow my mind is named Arizona Muse, and despite her really lame name I think she is drop-dead gorgeous.
This lady with the unruly eyebrows is named Daria Pleggenkuhle. Her eyebrows are not quite as nice as Arizona's in my opinion, but they are definitely interesting.
And this picture is of one of the boldly eyebrowed models... if I didn't know which one it was I wouldn't be able to guess. It could EASILY be either one of them and that kind of creeps me out. The answer to this question is.... Daria Pleggenkuhle. I probably would have guessed wrong.
These menswear inspired outfits sent me into a headspin! I'm currently drooling so much I'm scared I will break the computer from water damage! I especially love the oversized mens shoes on these little ladies. Jeremy says "If I saw someone wearing that I would question whether or not they were human."