This summer I knew the peice that I needed to make my heart sing was a nude bodysuit with regular tanktop straps. It seemed like one of those things you just have to go to AA to get. No such luck. I went there and they had nothing that could have a bra worn under it; just racerbacks and lowbacks.

I tried several different dance shops and they didn't have what I wanted either. I ended up going back to AA and trying on every single possibility, ready to settle on not being able to wear a proper bra, but they didn't fit anyway. It appears that this girl gets to live the dream without me.

In Korea almost no one (at least this early in the season) wears tank tops. So it might have been way over the top inappropriate anyway. Perhaps the fashion goddesses were saving me from have the perfect peice and not being able to wear it.
- listening to: "Subterranean Homesick Blues" Bob Dylan
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